Helen Humphrey, copy editor

Helen Humphrey Helen Humphrey has seven years of experience writing and editing for major newspapers and nonprofit organizations. With a strong work ethic and cheerful, can-do attitude, Helen successfully tackles challenging writing and editing tasks.

Helen brings a keen eye to news, business and features stories, spotting errors of grammar, style and punctuation and using research tools and critical thinking skills to resolve bigger issues of fairness and accuracy. In addition, Helen writes crisp, catchy headlines and photo captions that summarize complex stories in just a few words to attract reader interest.

As a senior copy editor at The Dallas Morning News, Helen has ultimate responsibility for news, business and features stories before the paper is printed. As a home page editor for dallasnews.com, she is adept at posting and editing video, slideshows and stories on the Web and is familiar with search engine optimization, HTML and Flash.

Before moving to Dallas, Helen worked as a copy editor at the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, where she chose all wire content for the weekly entertainment magazine and daily news, business and features sections.

Helen's skills extend outside the newsroom. She writes features articles for the Dallas chapter of the Red Cross, promoting events and services in internal and external publications. As a volunteer publication editor for the March of Dimes in Corpus Christi, Helen designed fliers and produced a quarterly newsletter, managing all aspects of research, writing, editing and pagination. Helen is also an officer of Leadership Lambda Toastmasters in Dallas, using her excellent communication skills to boost membership.

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